Monday, November 3, 2008

Tectonic Shifts?! What?

Not that I am a geologist.
But plate tectonics is a fascinating theory. In layman's language, the earth has various layers, which don't quite seem to stay still. Subtle pressure build up and they begin to (one guess) shift! These are layers above one another. And layers next to one another. The shifting therefore though is sometimes unseen and unfelt. Sometimes as dramatic as an earthquake.

Much like me. Like us.
We function on different levels (read layers) woman, boss, subordinate, mother, daughter, stranger, friend. And these layers overlap, rub against each other (sometimes grate), blend with each other and sometimes clash. There you go... quaking away with anger, shaking with fury, shuddering with fear, swaying with joy, moved to tears.... get the (er... Continental) drift? It's all there in us... we are a microcosm of the earth itself and all we do is manage ourselves, through our daily rotation and revolution to stay afloat in this cosmic whirl, carefully managing layer with a complementary layer, piecing life together like a jigsaw so that work dovetails neatly into career, business brings pleasure, home life is balanced with work life, and round and round we go in, what we think is perfect harmony. Till... the plates shift. Grate. Clash. The pieces don't match. The balance tilts. The pressure increases. And you skitter around trying to pull the ends together but... boom... crash... bang. There's an explosion and you are left dumbfounded, in a whirl of smoke and frenzy, on quite a different layer from where you began.
You just experienced a tectonic shift.
Life, however, goes on...


Niyati B. said...

I can relate..
The good thing about all you've explained is the first line you wrote after scientifically defining tectonic shifts. And the most important part of that line was the word 'US'

We're never alone, and that's one thing that should give us some comfort, however little the package it comes in.

Ypsilon said...

That's what makes any writing universal.... it's never about one person... it's about more than one.

mukulshukla said...

I can relate to many of the things / emotions and thought why me, but later I realized mostly everyone went through such phases some time or the other and maybe it is not as bad as it could have been....

Ypsilon said...

It's funny. But ever since I've started this blog, everything I thought was personal somehow tends to become universal... thanks for the comments... just goes to show we are not alone :-)
Do read the rest of the blog and do keep commenting.

Gelem Gelem said...

"Till... the plates shift. Grate. Clash. The pieces don't match. The balance tilts. The pressure increases."
...and then you run to the shrink or a guru who brainwashes you into thinking that the plates are in harmony. You end up paying him all your savings.
You have just created another plate. : (

Unknown said...

That is life....for all of could not have described it more accurately...beneath all these layers we need to be steeled to bare the brunt or tectonic shifts! For many of us, after the initial shock, we seem to find resilience in some form or the other, from within or through external influences and yes...then life goes on...! So true! Yes indeed it is a universal phenomena! Well expressed! well written!

justinrabindra said...

Interesting metaphor for life, irrevocable changes happen when the plates shift, some drastic, some subtle. Some fit into each other neatly, some crash, tumble and create waves that affect lives far from ground zero. The plates shift, that much is certain, sooner or later.